Free Gas to the Jersey Shore

gas-prices.jpgThe White Lilac Inn in Spring Lake really wants you to come for a visit! Now while Spring is here you can get out of Dodge, as my brother always said before leaving town. You've had a big winter so restoring your soul with green could be just what you need to refuel your own soul tank.

"Free gas, no fooling" program:   Spring is in the air...get in the car and take that ride to the Jersey Shore. The White Lilac Inn will help you STRETCH your gasoline budget?

It won't even take you a tank of gas to get here... we're only a short drive from Manhattan or Philadelphia. Stay 2 nights and receive $25 you can put toward your gasoline bill.

Car-pool and bring along another couple and will give you (the driver) a $50 credit toward your gasoline bill. While you're here our complementary bicycles are a great way to get around town. (This package may not be combined with any other offers, gift certificates, or previous reservations. This offer is currently available till May 15th   Call ...732-449-0211


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Deborah Sakach published on April 6, 2011 3:00 PM.

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